Information: This site is under massive changes
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Here i will try to keep update with my progress on the forum, modifications, upgrades, enhancements ect...
Plz post your requests or problems in the folowing topic, so i can keep things clear here
Forum Upgrade
World Beyond Walls
Posts: 43
Joined: 04 May 08, 06:02
Location: Beyond Walls
Blog: View Blog (3)
- May 2008
Update 08/09
   09 May 08, 00:15
Update 06/09
   06 May 08, 02:51
Forum Activated !
   05 May 08, 14:24

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Forum Activated !

Permanent Linkby World Beyond Walls on 05 May 08, 14:24

First blog entry

This forum is now activated

As you can see, most things are broken, easy reason : i did not have the time to finish all

For the 2 or 3 upcoming days, you can submit posts ect... but it will not be saved, because im still working localy on my comp

To fix everything is a big task, i need to change many files and its just too long to reupload eatch times, so i will upload every days the progress, meanwhile you can test around but the next day your changes gonna be overwritted

This is just temporal measure as many things on the forum is broken

Feel free to add comments in the upgrade topic, i will read it before the daily upload

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