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Forum Upgrade

Forum Upgrade

New postby World Beyond Walls on 20 Apr 08, 20:10

If you are a new registred user, this dont realy concern you, its more likely addressed to all members who was on the old forum

Whenever you will log in for the first time, it will ask you to input your birthdate and flag (this is required)

Migration Status

Completed :
  • Users & Passwords
  • Forums
  • Posts
  • Polls
  • PMs
  • Smileys
  • Ranks

Partial/Not Migrated:
  • Avatars : dont use them for now until further notice

Here a rough list of features / improvements / changes
Current phpBB version : 3.0.1 (server support php5)
Old forum phpBB version : 2.0.10 (php4 only)
  • Unlimited BBCode support: can add custom codes (ask to a modo/admin if you have one to add)
    See bbcode faq to get help on basic bbcode (here or in posts forms)
    There is a contextual help when mouse hoover a code in the post form
    First noticable code : Youtube
    Code: Select all

    Just put your video link inside the tag
    Code: Select all
    Youtube link :

  • Attachments: can attach any files type allowed and use them in posts / pms
    -files type : movies, docs, archives, images, flash, mp3
    -forum limit is 6go
    -file size limit is 2mo eatch
    in case of abuse or space troubles, whe will first delete private messages
    be kind, keep your place clean ;)
    there is an export to xls feature in the pms in case you have a big text you want to save...
    just use the post form to add attachments
    Code: Select all

    doublejump_DHR.wmv [ 1.58 MiB | Viewed 361 times ]

    order.jpg (4.37 KiB) Viewed 770 times
  • Banner : whe need somes (the banner is now randomly choosed upon page open)
  • Shout Box
  • Blogs
  • User Control Panel / Features
  • Permissions :
    There is now several groups :
    -Guest are in group Entrance
    -Registred Users go to Marble Gallery (low perm level)
    -Regular Users can apply freely to OuterWall (medium perm level)
    -Fanatics can send request to join Clock Tower (high perm level)
    -Modos are in Castle Keep
    -Admins are in Throne Chamber
  • Smilies : our old orc pack is still there, but the default used are more "standart" style,
    just click on views more smilies button if you want to use them (or learn their codes ! ^^)
    also new psx buttons are available, as well as some consoles, this should make things easier to post
    the smilie command is simple, always made from 2 : : and in between the icon you want
    there is 2 size, and for eatch size 2 ways to write it (a shorten, and a complete one)
    except R/L buttons, witch dont need a shorten format
    format table here :
    Code: Select all
    regular (lowcase)  :s:         :o:         :x:       :t:
    LARGE (upercase)   :S:         :O:         :X:       :T:
    alt-reg (lowcase)  :square:    :circle:    :cross:   :triangle:
    ALT-L  (upercase)  :SQUARE:    :CIRCLE:    :CROSS:   :TRIANGLE:

    Code: Select all
    CODE / BUTTONS     UP     DOWN      LEFT      RIGHT       
    regular (lowcase)  :u:    :d:       :l:       :r:
    LARGE (upercase)   :U:    :D:       :L:       :R:
    alt-reg (lowcase)  :up:   :down:    :left:    :right:
    ALT-L  (upercase)  :UP:   :DOWN:    :LEFT:    :RIGHT:

    Code: Select all
    regular (lowcase)  :ul:        :ur:         :dl:          :dr:
    LARGE (upercase)   :UL:        :UR:         :DL:          :DR: 
    alt-reg (lowcase)  :upleft:    :upright:    :downleft:    :downright:
    ALT-L  (upercase)  :UPLEFT:    :UPRIGHT:    :DOWNLEFT:    :DOWNRIGHT:

    Code: Select all
    CODE / BUTTONS     R1    R2    L1    L2     
    regular (lowcase)  :r1:  :r2:  :l1:  :l2:
    LARGE (upercase)   :R1:  :R2:  :L1:  :L2:

    Code: Select all
    CODE / BUTTONS     START        SELECT     
    regular (lowcase)  :st:         :sl:
    LARGE (upercase)   :ST:         :SL:
    alt-reg (lowcase)  :start:      :select:
    ALT-L  (upercase)  :START:      :SELECT:

    be sure to use "huge" font setting to have your command text as big as icons if you use big size (hold, push ect...)
    and remember to put spaces between them and symbols like for normal smilies (+,[] ect...)

    Code: Select all
    [b][HOLD] :start: + :select: + :l1: + :l2: + :r1: + :r2: [UNHOLD][/b]
    [size=200][b][HOLD] :START: + :SELECT: + :L1: + :L2: + :L1: + :R2: [UNHOLD][/b][/size]
    [size=150][b]Work on :[/b] :us:  :psx: [/size][/list]

    [HOLD] :start: + :select: + :l1: + :l2: + :r1: + :r2: [UNHOLD]
    [HOLD] :START: + :SELECT: + :L1: + :L2: + :L1: + :R2: [UNHOLD]
    Work on : :us: :psx:

    The consoles icons are formated only 1 way
    Code: Select all
    :ds:  :gba:  :gb:  :wii:  :gc:  :n64:  :n64pad:  :snes:  :snespad:  :nes:  :nespad: 
    :dc:  :saturn:  :saturnpad:  :genesis:  :genesispad:  :nec:  :necpad: 
    :psx:  :psxpad:  :psxmem:  :ps2:  :ps3:  :psp: 
    :sotnus:  :sotnj1:  :sotn1b:  :sotnj3:  :sotnj4:  :sotnpal: 
    :xbox:  :x360:  :pc:
    :jap:  :pal:  :us:

    :ds: :gba: :gb: :wii: :gc: :n64: :n64pad: :snes: :snespad: :nes: :nespad:
    :dc: :saturn: :saturnpad: :genesis: :genesispad: :nec: :necpad:
    :psx: :psxpad: :psxmem: :ps2: :ps3: :psp:
    :sotnus: :sotnj1: :sotn1b: :sotnj3: :sotnj4: :sotnpal:
    :xbox: :x360: :pc: :jap: :pal: :us:

As you can see, there is a major revamp on the forum structure, ive unflooded many topics, deleted some others, splited or merged also

For now the post count is kept, but the count will be reseted probably (dont worry, youll have the time to increase your count meanwhile...)

Tarba also told me hes gonna make a banner (this one obviously not ok)
Topic Author
World Beyond Walls
User avatar 
Throne's Chamber

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