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No HR High Map Challenge

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New postby arukAdo on 10 Mar 08, 09:44

Actually i checked out and its the same problem than labs, the falling height is not enough (only 1 screen) so i never got the time to sr, i tryed also to drop the save room and open a ceilling after it, in the corridor, but same problem there

I think cases where you dont need 2 screens are cases where alucard dont flicker to enter in the falling, well im not sure, the flicker sr is realy a weird tech
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby Pale-Dim on 10 Mar 08, 17:29

try getting onto the cd room at entrance/marble. Your mp may be too low though
Currently playing: Guild Wars
Throne's Chamber

New postby arukAdo on 11 Mar 08, 07:34

Yeah im planning to take that room, but i need to wait high levels, like for double death techs and few others tricks

I founded accidentaly 2 bugs new to me, first, whenever i drop from the secret corridor in mines (demon switch) targeting the teleporter corridor, the game say im poisoned, witch is not the case ... :/
I even looked in menu and status say im good, tough, there is a poison titling around when i fly the celling, for no reasons...
Also, im not sure its a bug, but its very weird, you are not allowed to function the elevator of outerwall while poisoned :/

Im near done RC, pheww that a hard video to produce dudes, it should look just great i think ^^

The chapel and keep together are 20%, and the whole rest is like 4% max not counting outerwall, well with level up / ET for sure it will increase, but that pretty noticable ratio, the places where you make the most efforts are the less rewarding

Oh and i added another room, opposite side of demon switch flicker sr, i didnt have killed cerberus tough, just half blood from witchs and get in flicker :D

Somebody can tell me how to exit IC outerwall without half blood? where to wolf glitch? near the save room maybe? got only failures :(

I got working double death tech in IC chapel, this dont work RC ...?
Anyway, i also found out a single death tech from the botom door will enable you like in rc to go upside cdroom to olrox, witch mean the sbg confessional bypass is no more needed to get thoses rooms
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby arukAdo on 15 Apr 08, 16:05

Huho, after much silence, the no hr have some news

First bug did finded a new room / tech
In the rc clock tower, after doing the grate glitch, from the shiftline, you can open the white room under the secret room

Its near the same than ic entrance outside room

You need to come from a backdash inside the grate room, it make thing easier, then just push forward from shiftline and very quickly activate the sr

This mean from any shiftline, you theoricly can do that, just one problem : this break the shiftline

Tough, this mean potentionaly a ET can reward more than 1 room, the underfloor of the room ETed, and the room next to it (by exiting / reentering shiftline after the first shiftline sr)

Thus, that would mean a level up can reward 2 rooms, i didnt over thinked about it for now, but it might push a bit the max %

Then the other thing is i recorded my video up to the first ET, so i can still adapt myself to this, and make max % video ^^
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber


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