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No broken walls no switches 200.6% challenge

Need a good challenge? Got a good idea for one? Post your thoughts, ideas, and achievements

New postby reverzero on 12 Mar 07, 14:29

hehe ok ill try this later after 1beat.
Lv. 12
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Clock Tower

New postby arukAdo on 28 Apr 07, 12:25


After weeks of silence i have a update for no switch lol

I could enter the coloseum level4... no leap stone and no wolf

I just could do a death tech on the central clock room, i still have troubles on how exactly it work

Mainly because i dont know how too "choose" where the death toss animation aim, right or left

For this you need the toss to aim on left, then just jump and toss the toadstool, this will make you cross above the plateform of the statue !

So what the point of this, my idea is to draw a new road for usa challenge to get the duplicator AND the holyglasses WITHOUT collecting money at the librarian ^^

The main point is about how to reach the sword card...

So heres the deal, i think you can do a combo half blood level up with the bloody zombie in corridor, exactly as bug do against olrox

I tryed this by going trough old road, taking first the leap stone, this dont work!
Even killing from level4 (the lowest you can hope) either hippogryph or karasuman will lend you level11 or level10, witch is too much to get the mist and keep under 40 HP

The zombies deal 10damage x2 poison = 20

The idea is to get 2 zombies to persue you, the first one is used to level up shifting the doorway to cdlr in corridor

The second zombie is about to do half blood against the door to cdlr in order to get underfloor

Then you would go in the shift line and fly up with bat

Then you would sort of U turn with mist or bat and get back in celling of the corridor

Hopefully flying in this celling and lending in the sword card area trought the breakable floor or like in coloseum just flying with mist

This area is realy lot like coloseum, and for coloseum i tryed lot of times it work perfectly, even low mp

The only problem there is about to deal with zombie, first level up shift, then half blood

And for half blood you still need to be under poison, healed, and under 40HP

level12= 42HP
level11= 39HP
level10= 36HP
level9 = 33HP

If this sword card trick not work for some reasons when i try it, it still worth it !

You can get the bat without killing karasuman or hippogryph > level up shift blade master > get mist > revenge lesser demon > bat level5 29HP 21MP

This is still theoric

You need lot of things in order to do the above idea

-Revenge gaibon&slogra :
You need to do level up shift with the bomb against the poison bone in the labs, and travel underfloor then go in heart max up room and exit
You need to be level4 in order to get the 21 hearts for the clock (you get 5 heart at start, 10 from max up, 6 from levels up) and you need to check MP too in order to get 16MP for hellfire (it give randomly 4 or 5MP per level up)

-Revenge doppleganger

-You are still level4

-Get stuffs at librarian
3 meal tickets for 6000$ and convert them to poison by save/reload and as much as you can of bwaka knife and magic missile (need at least 3)
Notice you only need 1 toadstool to access the coloseum, and in coloseum there is the 1000$ bag making thing easier for next toadstools, but this bag is not easy to get, at least there is a save room near it

I suggest to save in the library but i didnt tryed to see if its reachable with big toss, i think it work i just need to try out

-Get fairy card
You need to do a big toss against the duron in the middle of open space, you need him to be on the righest point he can be and then simply to big toss you will lend on the ledge to fairy card (not easy to do but work)
Remember there is a poison ennemy here (plant), i use him in order to get poisoned

-Get the life apple ....
so there no choice, i just tryed and revenge work on harpie, the clock stop them, and generaly it mean it work
If you are worry about the clock tower falling plateform, you can buy an extra meal ticket and spend it to use big toss in order to fly the whole open space
I reloaded around 3 min my savestate to get the life apple, i guess i was lucky, but well anyway whe are in luck mode lol
You can also consider kill one harpie (around 200exp), but you can only kill one ... and save room is not very near

-Finaly access the coloseum
Be 1hp and toss a toadstool and be tossed on left plateform by death animation, jump and proceed to cdlr


The rest is unknow, i will try to update when i find out, i need to revert back and confirm all of this now, i will probably do a small video showing those tricks, some are neat ^^

Remember one of the point in no switch (witch prevented long going ic) is about to get the holyglasses in order to clear richter (and without wolf)
The only way is to level up shift with fleaman, he deal 9damage x2 poison = 18 , so you must keep under 36HP in order to escape rc

And finaly to conclude, if the cdlr side of the corridor dont work, i dont think i can do the other side, level up shift will work, maybe getting in celling will even be easier, but i highly doubt about mp to fly the long side of corridor
Last edited by arukAdo on 12 May 07, 17:59, edited 1 time in total.
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby arukAdo on 28 Apr 07, 15:49

Ok i did the testings and it worked great (not without pain i must admit)

Here a map, so im level5, 29HP 21MP and having bat


Now i need to go up level10 to stock up some more mp, i can open some secret walls then before trying to get the sword card

Notice i was wrong about level up shift in coloseum, since you are 28hp you dont need to have poison ^^

You will still need it for zombies that sure, so it would be down to 2 meal tickets

Since you can spend some levels meanwhile you can also open the caves but the ennemy there will probably need poison for big toss you

Also i did notice something about the toadstool toss effect, i never can do it if i come from outerwall side, i dont know why, but it always toss me on right, i tryed to travel some rooms to see and same damn thing

So the only workaround i know so far is to go back down to entrance, pay attention not to open the switch there, you can half press it if you jump right, and it will not count as hitted
Then you need to climb back the labs and going in marble gallery from labs upside
Here enter in marble gallery with already 1hp
You need not to backdash or press attack button, when i do that, most time the toss go back on right side...
If you took care of just dodging axe lords and fleaman, the toss will be on left
It work 3 times on 3 tests for me, whenever i take care of just jumping and not changing direction, the toss stay on left when i come from labs, go figure why, i have no clues
Last edited by arukAdo on 28 Apr 07, 17:16, edited 2 times in total.
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby arukAdo on 28 Apr 07, 17:10

Ok i deserve one more post... my idea worked !


Its been like 3 or 4 days i was trying to find a way and it worked after all
Very weird path but work well

So actualy it worked like i tough, even better since it can work level5 directly, i could fly in the shift line with the bat witch lend me in the cdlr cell

From here you can simply fly with the bat in order to get the corridor celling, then mist and since i was 26MP i stoped in a big flicker, using double jump you reaper directly inside the sword card area, done ! ^^

I am 30HP 26MP, level6 having sword card, i can now get duplicator and poison easy, and the fleaman will work, you can be up to 32HP

This was tested on usa version, and probably work jap of course

Very important : if you dont want to do any level up shifting you can just do the big toss for fairy card, revenge for life apple and doing the death trick in central room, then collect 500 times the 1000$ bag, its more realistic than to collect 20000 times the 25$ bag of librarian ^^

Edit: i checked a little zek faq, if you look to ennemy list, there is attack data on ennemys, the less they give you is about 5, but only a very few and not realy important ennemy deal that low, the poisonous bone in labs even give 7 damage and level up shift work against him, only puppets, some skels and axe lords do 8 damage, then its 9 for fleaman and fake sypha... then raise to 10 for some more of them
In other words : whe can do big toss against almost any ennemys in the game now with luck mode, awesome ^^
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby SymboliC on 29 Apr 07, 22:44

Revenge on harpies first before going to Olrox eh? Can you let the little skulls bigtoss you to the 2nd floor of the tower?

This new road is good. I just find it amusing for the fact that it's still a hard task, but it doesn't have any wolf-raises. ^^
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Castle Keep

New postby arukAdo on 30 Apr 07, 11:32

Yes wolf raise dont work this challenge... because you dont have wolf ^^ (at least you need DHR in order to get the wolf)

The skulls in clock tower can only toss you to first floor, and then medusa heads will help you in order to do the big jump in middle of first tower

Its not easy, but lot easier than the first way whe finded with paulo

This method work lot better, you get the duplicator after exactly 2 level up shifts

The main differences with 1 beat are about the life apple/fairy card in order to go coloseum and to level up for sword card, that all

If you can do 1beat you can do this i think, without lot of troubles

But indeed the life apple is realy random matter, you could spend considerous time to get it, or having lot of luck and get it from first try

I think this is still faster than collecting 20000 bag of 25$ near librarian... witch was mandatory in last road (or to cheat money)
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby SymboliC on 30 Apr 07, 15:26

Okay, I'll definitely try this one, just to clear things out: No switches, no walls, no breaking stuff, only red doors are allowed, is this correct and final?
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Castle Keep

New postby arukAdo on 30 Apr 07, 15:53

They are some minor things like ice in caves or plateform in mines witch you can also consider as rules since they dont respawn

You could consider also having full ennemy list and full (or empty) items on floors, i prefer generaly to collect nothing lol

If it respawn you can break it, first coming in mind are plateforms in clock tower, but also the breakable wall in catacomb, its the only one like that, very weird, you can break the upside portions of this wall, and change room with the bat to go in the tiny hole.... the part you just break respaw....

So for those you can choose your rules, since it will respawn there is not any way to figure if you hit them or not, and both can be "skiped", clock tower you can just big toss from level4, the small skulls deal 14 damage and you have 28hp, for the catacomb here you need ET or level up shifting (work both)

Notice you could do the same remark as for the clock tower switches themselves or alucart gears, the gears are put back to original position when you reload the level (not only reset the room this time) and also the door wont show as close when you come from half blood in rc clock tower, so its hard to tell what you can or not here
Getting the rc is not a problem, but for the ic whe never found out any lead to get in there without hitting the switchs
Since they are not realy definitive switchs (they reset) you could consider getting the 0.1% extra from ic clock tower, i think its up to you

I rather prefer leave this untouched, because the rc keep secret stairs is impossible without opening 2 white room so far, if you consider this, its 0.6% not opened ... and if you combine ic and rc unfinished undergrounds garden, it does 0.6% ..... so its up to you^^

And for the blue doors, dont worry, all can be skiped with dhr and not opening white rooms of course

But remember you cant spend you HR to do level up backdash for exemple

Edit: theres might be another way around the life apple, you could do level up shift against the bat or zombies in entrance, they deal around 14 or more damage, witch is enought for you to level up and big toss without poison from level4, and this cant be "swap" with the bomb for heart max up in the beginning, you realy need those hearts in order to do revenge against gaibon&slogra
This would raise you to level5 29HP before reaching coloseum, doesnt sound a big deal and sound better even than revenge harpies, witch can take considerous time too, but you need one more level up shift in order to get the duplicator (would be 3 total now)
Before i forgot to access the garnet in outerwall is realy easy from level4, you get 14 damage from axe lord witch lend you directly in front of the gem vase

Also you can kill safely minotaur&werewolf(skip level up shift in coloseum), they will raise you up to level9 33hp only... then after you need to revenge lesser demon or i think you get another level up

Basicly it mean i might was wrong on level estimation, you are maybe able to skip the first level up shift in labs, and go like level7 to doppleganger and only need level up shifting on blade master (more easy one)
Last edited by arukAdo on 12 May 07, 18:02, edited 4 times in total.
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby SymboliC on 30 Apr 07, 20:05

Yes, I was also thinking in that sense that I can't break anything that won't respawn later or "re-fixed". The ice in u.caverns respawn, but I'm thinking of the elevator in keep that lights up torches, I might accidentally use it.

I think I'll also try to get the lifeapple from the merman room. Your posts will surely be some help to us and to future challengers, thanks. :D
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Castle Keep

New postby arukAdo on 30 Apr 07, 22:10

The ice in caves doesnt respawn ^^

If you brake all of them they will not reaper, but that realy a small detail ^^

About getting life apple in entrance, the main problem you will have is that you will need to do like a U turn with mist/bat after a ET.... but you dont have anything here

Let me explain

If you level up shift zombies and just fall between edges, you will reaper on the same original room at the opposite side of the room and underfloor

From here if you had used the wolf in the falling, you should reaper in the secret room completly on left side and with mist you could fly in back inside


This cant work, you wont have any relic, so if you just fall between the walls, you will reaper simply inside the corridor and it will sux, if you manage to enter the secret room it will also sux, because you will be underfloor and noway to get back in there

Instead i think of this: while you do backdash in order to get between edge, you will asap push right, this will load the merman room, but you would asap again push, but left this time
Hopefully you will get in a flicker (i strongly believe it work) and simply stop pushing just wait and you will reaper inside the secret room

So the question would be, why not using bats, i do use bats on my game, but this need to have double jump or at least the axe armor in order to stay in the room after the bigtoss/level up

I think this way (moving while falling after corridor level up) should work great, but not easy to do
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby arukAdo on 08 May 07, 15:45

I have a new update....

I could finaly open the secret stairs in rc keep... on saturn ! lol

The last time i tryed this on psx it didnt worked, but in saturn its a very different case

You need to be on the ledge on top (see pic under), and first do a ~20hr chain from left to right, from here you will litteraly need to lend just in front of the block, doing more hr would make you fall trough it, from this point doing a ~50hr chain from right to left this time will just shift enought the wall for you to pass trough it


On psx the problem is alucard would get stuck when morphing (as any other wall) and double jump just not enought to travel the whole concrete wall here (probably the biggest wall in game lol)

On saturn you can morph to mist here! Doing this proper way will allow you not to load the corridor to richter, and you will be able to travel trough an invisible stairs, the mist can travel perfectly trough it and gain access to a top floor, no white room ^^

My RC is complete ! ^^

I just need to fly the rc lake, but that was working psx and i think work good saturn too, need lot of mana to do it that all


Lets cross finger i will have a way to access ic lake too lol
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Throne's Chamber

New postby arukAdo on 13 May 07, 20:39

Ok i did not finished for saturn version, i will see that later when i have time

I made a video about how i get the sword card in usa version

I dont have time to finish it now, i hope next week maybe... but the content is full at least, i just need to remix a little audio and add the title/ending credits, i will update the youtube link then

In case you prefer to have a good sound and video quality get yourself the 4 rar part here and uncompress, its realy more enjoyable imo but of course you need to have a good download rate, the total is 200mo

Enjoy ^^
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby SymboliC on 14 May 07, 05:08

Ok, I have watched it, I just feel uneasy getting in the ceiling of Olrox-chapel CDLR and then flying to the Sword Card room..well, maybe I'd settle down with the jap.version first. :haha:

The vid is very good arukado, will you be doing a revamped version of it or is it final?
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Castle Keep

New postby arukAdo on 14 May 07, 07:36

Thx, I just need to add a title and closing credits, results, i might add a couple of things too, but overall its finish, i might do a different clip for no hr, but not soon, its lot harder than with hrs and you have less rooms lol

This level up shift is very hard i agree, you first need to train yourself a lot with dhr in order to been synchronous with the half blood (witch is more hard than it look, its about timing right)
But in the end its about the same (maybe easier and longer) than skip olrox, and easier i think than valaha knight crazyness

There is a workaround, even maybe to do this challenge without any level up shift, but its lame and boring, simply you need to collect the money and get a duplicator, that all ^^

On jap version you will see its realy easy ^^

Even if this level up with zombies is realy hard and almost not doable, overall this way is the easiest i think, it relay on *only* 2 level up shift

Sure its more easy to collect the money, but that boring imo lol
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby SymboliC on 18 May 07, 16:12

Argh! I'm swamped with new games, forgive me, I'll finish No-switch by next week. ;)
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Castle Keep


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