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Stupid bugs ftw

Handheld SOTN Goodness

Stupid bugs ftw

New postby Gemini on 03 Feb 08, 18:11

Yeah, I've finally got my PSP so I had a chance to play this porting and... I noticed several bugs, especially with the GPU. ARGH, Dracula kill me now!

1) GPU: colors suck. Yeah, colors are really bad and there is so much dithering with the pictures that it's disturbing. They could have used at least a better display mode, but they went with the crappy RGB555 for the filtered output;
2) GPU: line structures are WRONG. They miss the last pixel. Some emulators have this problem, but considering IGA used something like a simulated environment to make the Psp behave like a Psx drawing, he uber failed;
3) SPU: sound samples are WRONG. They play at different frequencies from the originals in most cases. Is IGA dub or something? How could he miss something THAT evident?
4) SPU/UMD: music doesn't loop correctly. It happened only once in the inverted castle's top. For some reason it didn't loop at all left Alucard in an astonishing silence;
5) GPU: missing or wrong effects. The shadow on the wall when walking on the lava pits is missing, totally. The other one is with Dark Metamorphose. When Alucard cannot heal anymore from blood, his border should turn transparent, but it becomes black. There's probably more stuff, but I can't remember atm;
6) Dub: some dialogues are totally off with the dialogues. Example when you first meet Maria, she leaves a couple of seconds before she actually says bye; O_o
7) Slowdowns: they happen mostly when there are several accesses to the Psx simulated VRAM, or in other cases for no reason at all. Terrible slowdowns when leaving an area in the "CD" room. Enabling the CPU to work at 333 Mhz somehow fixes the problem (even the after boss effect runs at 60fps O_o), but the game is supposed to work at 222 Mhz (or was it 266?), so shame on them.

I guess that's all for now. Anybody else with other "light" bugs? And for light I mean nothing like filling the map to 102485.97%.

PS: The new Maria is simply weak and stupid. :( Her sub weapons are nice, but she's way too weak compared to the Rondo counterpart. She also sucks in the boss battle at the centre of the castle.
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Marble Gallery

New postby arukAdo on 03 Feb 08, 22:00

They are lot of new bugs not based on %

Well a lot ... i maybe exagerate but

-You can keep alucard equipment at death just backdash.... ass bug... how could they do that... unforgivable... was not even in psx version
-Maria can use most spots of richter special mode, meaning you can now flicker fine between most stairs connected between rooms, her airdash is buggy and let her act the same
-Maria can 100% exit darkwing bat boss... unforgivable ... shes just sent flying for no reason after a double jump at second blow within a wind attack (same glitch as psx J1, except its not random with maria...)
-Most glitchs fixed from J1 to J3 (or J1' or whatever fake version they introduced) are not fixed, this include IC clock tower grate (tryed to fix but went wrong problem) or exit shaft room

That just what come to mind in first place, i can assure you there is many others things that i forget, and probably some not finded already

The game is definitly based on J1 original version, else richter would not be able to exit shaft (i didnt done it with maria, but im pretty sure there is some way to overcome the backflip or wingsmash)
The worst is they fixed SBG & money trick, but got death skip easly now... and in normal mode ! Or forget to re-fix shaft walls, they forgot to make a changelog????!!!
This lead to believe, yeah its probably a more glitched version than the original one, even removing few glitchs, they added much more saddly

At least its not as shitty work than saturn version... on this i guess can feel happy
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby SymboliC on 04 Feb 08, 06:33

I also noticed that "Black Dark Metamorphosis". I rather found it amusing.

But judging the colors from a "non-programming" perspective, I'd say they ain't that bad.

About the Maria leaving before the "goodbye", I think that's a "UMD-slow-ass" problem, because my game in my memory stick is as accurate and fast as lightning, no delays.

Anyway, nice observations.
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Castle Keep

New postby Gemini on 04 Feb 08, 13:22

SymboliC wrote:About the Maria leaving before the "goodbye", I think that's a "UMD-slow-ass" problem, because my game in my memory stick is as accurate and fast as lightning, no delays.

It's just a timing issue with the dialogues, not something related with the UMD speed. That dialogue says a LOT more in the Japanese version, so timing was fucked up for good when they implemented the new script and forgot to put a delay in the text event to compensate the missing stuff. Oh, I forgot to mention one particular: the bug happens when you use the Japanese dub. Didn't try with the new dub, but that one is probably bug free.
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Marble Gallery

New postby arukAdo on 04 Feb 08, 13:30

That very true, i did spoted dialogues are longer in jap version, so there is a delay
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby outofthegamer on 05 Feb 08, 03:44

Adding Maria as a boss was cool, but it wasn't fully tested. You can actually knock her out of her room with bomb-type weapons (before entering her room) and actually kill her without her able to move.

This will set you up for any number of different effects, depending on where she is when she dies. If she dies under her room, then when you go up into her room, she will begin her pre-battle speech (with parts of Alucard's dialogue missing) and then go directly to her post-battle speech...and give you the holy glasses even though she's not actually in the room! And if she's not directly under her room when she dies, the same thing will happen, except Alucard will run towards the wall forever; trying to pick up the holy glasses.

And if you use power of sire on her...

^that only happens if the power of sire is equipped to the lower slot; and in this video she is already "defeated".
PSP-Alucard Progress: 417.9%
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Castle Keep

New postby Freakguy on 05 Feb 08, 06:22

That's sick dude.
I killed her with ricochet rocks and Alucard Shield Rod
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Marble Gallery

New postby outofthegamer on 06 Feb 08, 01:21

It's even sicker to get a Duplicator and Power of Sire before getting to her. No money glitch, and I got the PoS without having any previous knowledge of it's glitched graphical effect on her. And I'm lucky I had it equipped to the lower slot; otherwise nobody would've ever known about that little quirk.

As a side note: One you use a PoS on her, the PoS will always have the glitched matter what you do or where you go. Only reseting the game will fix it.
PSP-Alucard Progress: 417.9%
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Castle Keep

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