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Speed Runs? ... 16:32 !#?##!!!!

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Speed Runs? ... 16:32 !#?##!!!!

New postby raneofdragons on 29 Jan 07, 19:12

Alright, so i've been visiting and watching some of the youtube speed runs

and well i've got to thinking, maybe we here, could get going to set a new record,

the jap ver record is 23:59 and the USA is somewhere around 45:xx (non luck, just straight up normal)

I was thinking we could do a run that puts them to shame by using the glitches

I mean; we could get ways to beat the crap out of their times. by using either the wolf glitch to skip richter, or the level up shift to shift into the area to get the holy glasses then smack the crap out of shaft, then get into the final save room with the level up shift. It would all work out and probably trash the records held.

What would you guys think? (i was talking to arakudo(sp?) about this)


16:32 Speedrun
Topic Author
Marble Gallery

New postby arukAdo on 30 Jan 07, 03:36

Yes like i told you its a good idea i think, also whe may use everybody brainstorming to suit a perfect road

But like i sayd it will be hard to produce a single record of that, i mean first whe will need save or savestate, and finaly if someone master well the road (bug... lol) whe can hope to have the record broke

Also im not excepting a very big brake of the record
Definitly the half (12min) sound impossible to me
Getting under 20min sound a good goal for me
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby outofthegamer on 30 Jan 07, 03:37

The japanese record uses as many glitches as possible, I think.
I've tried to get under 1 hour--it is not easy...but I'm not really a speed-runner. Maybe if we figure it out step-by-step; we can break the records.
PSP-Alucard Progress: 417.9%
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Castle Keep

New postby arukAdo on 30 Jan 07, 03:38

No doubt in my mind whe can do 20min (no wolf glitch, no level up shift@guardian, use of 4relics)
Just gonna be hard and need brainstorming
Also need the finnest players to record the road "leggit"
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby raneofdragons on 30 Jan 07, 07:41

okay well; on the 23:59 record

He uses the shield dash (double backdash speed)
the discard richter trick (kill him then card out {Jap only})
then gets 4 relics (all but death) gets into the save room end of run.

In his run; he gets wolf bat and mist; he fights Gaibon and Slogra, Doppleganger16, Werewolf and Minotaur, Lesser Demon, The stupid boss in CT (i never remember name), then Richter,

in Inverse castle, the 4 needed, Darkwing, The Monster, Medusa, Akamon(?); then enters and saves at the save point.

I am thinking; if we can get the shield dash going, the rest of the tricks are simple, he uses the wolf to get into Olrox early, to the colloseum, warps back to the library, then uses mist to get into the section with bat. (he does this all on luck mode); gets the bat, then proceeds to clear out of the library into CT, batdash up into the higher end, clears through it quickly... if you want I can do a sketch of the path through the map; and everything.

If we glitch the game, like getting the holy glasses by half blood or level up shift, then move up; we won't have to reset to the library and save us at least 1:30 to 2 minutes; i mean its completely plausible. It would have to be minimal in all senses of the word.
Topic Author
Marble Gallery

New postby arukAdo on 30 Jan 07, 15:59

Thinked twice about this whole things

If whe cant find out a human player doing a perfect run with wolf glitch (or glasses) whe have a solution

It will be painfull and long to get it realy working, but i can just do a input script, so somekind of "bot" will play the recording.... like that at least its a single segment ^^

Of course you can complain its not leggit whatever, but if whe found the road, and whe have a not human video, its good i think

Of course if a human player can do it, i prefer human....
All *should* be human/console possible since whe *should* not use wolf raise
Outofthegamer will agree that doing a perfect wolf glitch on richter stairs, gonna take a load of try and retry lol
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby arukAdo on 30 Jan 07, 16:11

Ok lol, step down everybody

From bug :

NOW score: 17'59"

That was going to be in his next video !!! HAHAHAHA

Im sorry raneofdragon but it sound whe will pwned by the master ^^
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby outofthegamer on 31 Jan 07, 03:08

I think 17 minutes can be beaten. I can wolf glitch to get holy glasses easier than wolf glitch in RC keep...then just rush to get 1 more HR in IC and get to final save point--16 minutes easy!!

Getting the sword familiar for the duplicator is the only part that might take long.
PSP-Alucard Progress: 417.9%
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Castle Keep

New postby arukAdo on 31 Jan 07, 03:16

lol easy? your are even more crazy than i tough

Wolf glitch holy glasses? hum from stairs near the entry to caves?
Work with wolf relic and no jump? yes i guess.... you just need library card

You need also to do level up shift at guardian (skip 4 relics)
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby outofthegamer on 31 Jan 07, 04:52

No level-up shift. I will start with 1 HR and try to get duplicator very fast, then pick up 2nd HR in IC.....ET past guardian--game over!

Maybe it's harder than I think, but I will see what can be done as a human player :haha:
PSP-Alucard Progress: 417.9%
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Castle Keep

New postby arukAdo on 31 Jan 07, 08:05

Yes *should* work duplicator

Also its great since you only need wolf glitch stair to caves
I have ask bug to record for me this spot for noswitch, he record it in less than 10 minute lol
I think its lot more easier than richter slope, nice idea

But taking duplicator is making you loose lot of time (return olrox after bat... not good i guess)

outofthegamer wrote:Maybe it's harder than I think, but I will see what can be done as a human player :haha:

Yes plz tell me what comes up ^^
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber

New postby outofthegamer on 01 Feb 07, 02:20

Oh boy...I really want to see bug's video!! I was very wrong about how long some stuff would take. I also need practice with doing a fast runs.

My first try (no reseting for mistakes) I got to the part where I need to wolf glitch for the holy glasses at 30 minutes! Waaay longer than what I was expecting--17 minutes is a miracle.

Like i said, i need practice and need to re-design/refine my road. Maybe after seeing bug's road, I can do something close.
PSP-Alucard Progress: 417.9%
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Castle Keep

New postby Pale-Dim on 01 Feb 07, 02:35

also remember that to do the wolf glitch you need the 2nd wolf relic. :)
also im pretty sure you backdash most of the time and skip most enemies too.

where is bug with this movie? or even a mapshot would help give you some clue's
Throne's Chamber

New postby outofthegamer on 01 Feb 07, 03:06

Yeah, getting bat so i could get the wolf relic is what took a lot of that time. I'm sure bug just bounces off the owl and "magically" gets up there.

I had back-dash on turbo, but someone mentioned shield-dash and i have no idea what that is. I should've skipped more enemies but sometimes killing them is faster.

My first try was also mainly to test what road to take (I didn't have a good one, obviously) and I made a few mistakes and had to backtrack a little sometimes, but never reset--if I was really trying to break a record, I'd reset after any mistake.
PSP-Alucard Progress: 417.9%
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Castle Keep

New postby arukAdo on 01 Feb 07, 04:06

Bug still didnt done it, that what he answered me when i sayd whe can maybe do better than 25min

You need backdash + shield trick, to get a little faster

The 25min run take the bat

Also im sure you need the wolf relic to get richter slope
Im not sure about the holy glasses one
Richter : 197.3%
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Throne's Chamber


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